Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last Rose of Summer
(Halford / Tipton)

Throughout the soft and timeless days of August
'Til now the shadows begin to grow much longer
The sunset's fire has deepened blood red
I give you this, the last rose of summer

A token of my unyielding love
So that when winter's mantle stills the earth
And all around the scene is dead and cold
This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

Do not despair, mother nature simply rests
In a sleep she has well earned
'Til on day not so very far from now
with the opening of the first rose buds I shall return

A token of my unyielding love
So that when winter's mettle steals the earth
And all around the scene is dead and cold
This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

The last rose of summer
In your long shadows

The last rose of summer
Take this rose that I give you

The last rose of summer
Don't worry about the winter

The last rose of summer
I shall return

Last Rose of Summer

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here we go.

The Beggining. What can we build? We shall see!